
Public Relations Magazines

Last updated date:2025/3/7

Koho Yokohama

Koho Yokohama Naka Ward Version March Issue

This is a public relations magazine that carries news and event information from Naka Ward Office. It is published monthly for ward residents.
You can read this magazine in ten different languages through multilingual machine translation provided by Catalog Pocket, a service for reading public relations magazines.

■Special Feature
・First Page:Advanced Stockpiling Tips for Disaster Preparedness
・Second Page:Let's go out and experience the flowers and greenery around us

■News and event information from Naka Ward Office and other facilities

 ⇒ Catalog Pocket(marche)(外部网站)
 ⇒ Japanese

Koho Yokohama, Yokohama City Version

This is a public relations magazine for Yokohama that provides information on such things as municipal government affairs and events taking place in the city.
 ⇒ Japanese
 ⇒ Simple Japanese
 ⇒ Catalog Pocket(marche)(外部网站)

Naka Ward Town News

In order for non-Japanese and Japanese residents to live together in a more harmonious environment, Naka Ward publishes a multilingual magazine in English, Chinese, and Japanese that provides administrative information, rules for daily life, social systems, and other useful information for daily life.
 ⇒ English
 ⇒ Japanese
 ⇒ Chinese
*You can read this magazine in eight different languages through multilingual machine translation provided by Catalog Pocket, a service for reading public relations magazines. Please visit the Japanese page to view a machine translated version of the magazine through Catalog Pocket.

Other News from Naka Ward Office

Notice from Naka Health and Welfare Center

This page contains information on various services offered at Naka Health and Welfare Center, such as immunizations and health checkups. The information is available in 10 languages through machine translation provided by Catalog Pocket, a service for reading public relations magazines.
For more information, please see the end of the following page.
 ⇒ Notice from Naka Health and Welfare Center (Japanese)

News and event information

We pick up articles and other information from public relations magazines and other sources, translate them into simple Japanese and other languages, and introduce them here.
 ⇒ News and Event Information

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